Mark your calendars. On Wednesday, September 8, we will begin weekly bingo at Kohler Hall. We look forward to seeing everyone. Bring yourself, your friends and anything that goes along with having a fun time. We promise to provide the smiles.
Do you know someone who has expressed interest in becoming Catholic, or has asked you questions about our Catholic Faith? Or maybe you know someone who is Catholic and has been away from the Church. An encouraging word from you might be the nudge that would make the difference. Our parish Rite of Christian Initiation for Adults (RCIA) will begin Sunday, September 12, 2021. Please call Fr. Jean-Luc for more information at 724.775.6363. (for more info, click heading)
Save the date of Wednesday, September 1, 2021 at 12noon for our 50+ Friends gathering in Msgr. Farri Hall located in St. John the Baptist Pastoral Center. We will be playing cards and bingo as well as socializing with friends, old and new. We look forward to seeing one another. If you have any questions, call Dee at 724.777.5881.
On Sunday, August 8th at St.Titus Church, Director of Catechesis of the Good Shepherd Nicole Albanese and Director of Religious Education Deanna Stacho will be available to take registrations for and answer any questions on both programs after the 10:00AM Mass outside of church. Registration forms can be found at the entrances of all churches in our parish as well as on our parish website.