Reflecting on the generous, self-giving love of the Redeemer, Who poured Himself out for His Church, we find in the Heart of the Savior an image of the spousal love between husband and wife. The fruitful love between husband and wife is a divine gift; it is life-giving. Every married couple of our parish is invited on Thursday, June 30, 2022 at 7:00PM in the Church of St. Frances Cabrini, Center Twp.,... (for details, click heading)
Any registered parishioner in good standing in the parish when approached about being godparent or Confirmation sponsor is asked to contact the Parish Administrative Office at 724.775.6363 to request a sponsor certificate.
Thank you for your generosity in bringing your gently used clothing to the St. Vincent de Paul Society bins at St. John the Baptist in Monaca and St. Frances Cabrini in Center Twp. The St. Vincent de Paul Society truly appreciates it. Please note that if the bins are full,...(to continue, click heading)
For MQS parishioners, our parish offers each of our church social halls as places to hold funeral bereavement luncheons,... A few people are needed to provide ‘hospitality host’ service at O’Connell Hall at St. Frances Cabrini,... (for details, click heading)
Mary, Queen of Saints Parish is currently making plans to hold a Vacation Bible School (VBS), June 20 thru 24, 2022 from 9:00AM to 12Noon. Its theme will be "MYSTERY ISLAND: Tracking down the ONE TRUE GOD". This bible school is designed for children who are age 4 by June 1, 2022 through students who are in 3rd grade. (for information, click heading)