The Lenten issue of Word Among Us are available in the church vestibules of our parish. This edition is titled "Return to Me with all Your Heart." It is filled with articles, meditations and daily Mass readings to aid you on your personal Lenten journey. A limited number of issues are available; and as in the past, they are being offered without cost.
Jesus wants to do more than free us as individuals. Christians should never live in isolation, as those with leprosy did. Jesus calls us into community, which is the Church. (for more, click heading)
All MQSP volunteers are required to be up-to-date on their Safe Environment documents and trainings. Dana Havey, MQSP Safe Environment Coordinator, will be holding 'Open House' opportunities to help you in this activity:... (for details, click heading)
Fr. Celestine will be traveling to visit his family from February 15 to March 27, 2024. Please keep him in your prayers for a safe journey. Also, please pray for Fr. Canice and Fr. Joachim that they may be granted the grace to fulfill parish responsibilities during his absence.
The Christian Mothers Board Meeting has been changed to a breakfast meeting set for February 10, 2024 at 9:30AM at the New Sheffield Cafe. Please try to attend; there are many important subjects to be addressed before the upcoming February and March regular meetings.
To say it was overwhelming and a wonderful surprise would be an understatement! The second pierogi-making session is scheduled for... (for details, click heading)