Dear Parishioners,
Thank you all for your support and participation in the Disciple Maker Index (DMI) Survey through Catholic Leadership Institute (CLI). As you know, Bishop Zubik is focused on fortifying our parishes for the work of evangelization and to grow as missionary disciples, so that all people will come to Learn, Love and Live Jesus.
Our work with CLI is just one small piece of Bishop Zubik’s greater vision. The hope is that all parishioners will grow in their faith and develop a deeper relationship with Jesus to begin to share the Good News of Jesus Christ with others.
As the DMI Survey has closed, parishes will soon begin the important task of assessing the results. In late Spring/early Summer of 2023, CLI will provide all parishes with assistance in analyzing the results of their survey and interpreting the data.
Over the course of the next three to four years, all parishes in the Diocese will be involved in pastoral planning. The results of the DMI Survey will help parishes create a ‘pastoral plan’ that is centered on evangelization and growing in discipleship. Our pastoral plan, which will focus on three strategic priorities, will enable our parish to shift focus from ‘maintenance-driven’ to ‘mission-driven’ action. All of this will help us grow Mary, Queen of Saints Parish for the future and align all our activity with mission and ministry.
Thank you and God bless you. Now we begin!
In the Sacred Heart of Jesus & the Immaculate Heart of Mary,
Fr. Canice
Pastor of Mary, Queen of Saints Parish
Our Mary, Queen of Saints Parish participated in a survey on discipleship, called the Disciple Maker Index (DMI) Survey, as conducted by the Catholic Leadership Institute (CLI). The survey link was available from Ash Wednesday, February 22, 2023 thru Friday, March 31, 2023. All registered Mary, Queen of Saints Parish members, whether currently active or non-active, age 16 and up, were encouraged to participate in this effort.
The survey asked parish members to reflect on their spiritual life and provide feedback on our parish efforts to help all grow in faith. The survey followed a multiple-choice format; no written responses were required. All responses were and remain confidential; our parish receives only information about our parish as whole.
The information gathered will be invaluable to Fr. Canice and the various parish ministries/groups/leaders in planning for the future and helping the parishioners of Mary, Queen of Saints strive to be the best 'disciples' possible. Our survey findings will be conveyed by late spring/early summer, at which time the results will be shared with the entire parish regarding what has been learned.
Thank you, now and in advance, for your cooperation and assisting in this important ongoing project! Your involvement is important and continues to be needed. Please feel free to check back for updates and further opportunities to be a part of this multi-phased, Diocesan- and parish-wide initiative titled "Called for More".
The Disciple Maker Index (DMI) Survey, as provided to the Diocese of Pittsburgh via Catholic Leadership Institute (CLI), is part of the Called for More intiative that is intended to provide deeper insight and a baseline for all parishes throughout our diocese.
To read Bishop Zubik's Letter to Parishioners - DMI Survey that discusses the importance of this effort, CLICK HERE.
Particpate! Take the online DMI Survey. Get involved in the actitivies that make up the 'Called for More' intiative.
The ‘Called for More” pilot is a process to support the Diocese of Pittsburgh in improving its care of priests and parishes, especially with transitions. It is an experience for priests that will benefit their ongoing formation regardless of age or assignment. It is also a resource to parishes that can help them understand their unique role and opportunities as a faith community.
In Phase 1:
The DMI results will be availble during the 2023 Easter Season when the second phase, titled "Called for More", begins. Upon reviewing the results, going forward:
*Mary, Queen of Saints Parish will participate in the 'Virtual Planning' support level.
Important Dates
The Diocese of Pittsburgh (as of 08/27/23) has also provided all parishes with a results summary for the entire Diocese. You are welcome to review it, and to compare and contrast our own parish results with the overall findings of the Diocese for all of its parishes in total.
For the convenience of all, the Diocesan-wide results sheet is available for viewing and download from this page. Just click on the graphic to start the process.
The Catholic Leadership Institute (CLI) provides bishops, priests, religious, deacons, and lay persons in the Roman Catholic Church with world-class, pastoral leadership formation and consulting services that strengthen their confidence and competence in ministry, enabling them to articulate a vision for their local church, to call forth the gifts of those they lead, and to create more vibrant faith communities rooted in Jesus Christ. The core values of the Catholic Leadership Institute are:
CLI sees a world where all individuals understand their God-given mission in life and is doing their best to fulfill it; a world where Catholic leaders are influential voices in society; a world where Jesus' example of loving, servant leadership is modeled in every family, workplace, parish, and community. Catholic Leadership Institute is blessed to partner with many dioceses, parishes, and lay organizations nationally across the United States. From financial governance to alignment with Church teaching, we are guided by the expertise and wisdom of Catholic leaders and bishops from across the United States.