Our parish provides Holy Communion to parishioners who are homebound or unable to attend Mass. For more information or to schedule a visit, please call the Pastoral Center Office at 724.775.6363 ext. 103 or CLICK HERE to download a request form that you can complete and mail to the address provided or place/have it placed it in the collection basket.
If you know of a family member or a neighbor who is in a local nursing home or hospital and would like a church visit, the Sacrament of Reconciliation, receive Holy Communion or the Anointing of the Sick, please call the Parish Adminstrative Office at 724.775.6363 ext. 101 to let a clergy/staff member know. Due to HIPPA Laws, churches are almost never notified by the healthcare facility.
PLEASE NOTE: The quickest and most efficient way to ensure that your hospitalized loved one is anointed, especially in the case of an emergency, is to ask the nurse to page the 'CATHOLIC CHAPLAIN ON CALL'. There is a priest on call 24/7 for Heritage Valley Beaver. (Our priests normally cover Thursdays and Fridays.) Calls to a parish office or a note left in a church sacristy may not be responded to in a timely fashion due to unavailability or oversight. Calls to the Catholic chaplain answering service receive IMMEDIATE RESPONSE. Also, please ensure your family member is listed in the hospital records as 'Catholic'. If the person is not so listed, there is no way of knowing the patient's religious affiliation and so the person is not seen when a priest of our parish visits the hospital or when the other priests are there. Thank you in advance for seeing to the sacramental needs of the hospitalized.
Please note that all announcements, articles and information for the weekly parish bulletin must be submitted to the Parish Administrative Office via email no later than the end of business day on Monday so that it may be considered for publication in the bulletin to be printed for distribution at the upcoming weekend's Masses.
An item submitted for publication in our weekly bulletin and/or parish website must provide all essential information. The submission must contain:
Any included graphic must be free of copyright. Please proofread for any errors in spelling, punctuation, and grammar. Make all necessary corrections BEFORE presenting the item to the office. When submitting a 'poster ad' (created using Canva, Photoshop, Illustrator, etc.), a detailed, fully-written announcement on the same subject must accompany it. Please note that one or the other may be published, depending upon page space limitations. No poster ads will be accepted by the office without the required written, detailed announcement text.
Upon submission, the announcement will be reviewed. If it is lacking in any of the above stated points, it will be returned and NOT published. The proposed announcement must be submitted by the Monday prior to the weekend bulletin in which it is desired that the item appear.
Submissions may be emailed to [email protected] for consideration. ALL REQUESTS ARE SUBJECT TO APPROVAL.
Announcements made verbally at weekend Masses must be received in the Parish Administrative Office by no later than 12noon on Thursday in order to be considered for presentation at the weekend Masses. ALL REQUESTS ARE SUBJECT TO APPROVAL.
To schedule a Mass intention, please go to the Mass & Lamp Intention Request page. Mass intentions are limited to two scheduled Masses per registered envelope per liturgical year.
Anyone wanting to carry up the offertory gifts at a Mass celebrated for the intention of a family member or friend, please speak with one of the ushers about it prior to the start of Mass. Thank you in advance for your cooperation.
As has been the practice for many years, parish offering envelopes deposited in the collection basket in any Catholic church in the Diocese of Pittsburgh are returned to the parish named on the envelope. Mary, Queen of Saints Parish envelopes deposited in the collection at any local Catholic church are returned to Mary, Queen of Saints and are included in the following week's offertory figures. Thank you in advance for supporting your parish, no matter where you may need to worship on a given weekend.
To eliminate errors on contribution statements, please make sure to mark your parish donation envelope with the amount it contains. Approximately one-third of the envelopes received each week are not marked. By marking your envelope with the amount, you will assist the volunteer money counters in their task as well as better ensure the correct posting of your contribution. Thank you in advance for your cooperation.
In order to reduce expenses, the mailing of offertory envelopes packets has been stopped for members who have not made use of them in the last three years. These parishioners will remain on our parish census but will not be mailed envelope packets, eliminating production and mailing expense. Anyone who wishes to resume receiving envelopes packets by mail in support of our Mary, Queen of Saints Parish, please contact the Parish Administrative Office at 724.775.6363 ext. 101, and your offertory envelope packet delivery will be immediately reinstated.
In every Catholic church a sanctuary lamp found near the tabernacle burns in testament of the Real Presence of Christ in the Eucharistic. To schedule a sanctuary lamp, please go to the Mass & Lamp Intention Request page. Bulletin published sanctuary/shrine lamp intentions are limited to four lamps per registered envelope per liturgical year.
Those wishing to have a candle placed in one of the various shrine lamps in remembrance or honor of a loved one, or for a special intention, please go to the Mass & Lamp Intention Request page. Bulletin published sanctuary/shrine lamp intentions are limited to four lamps per registered envelope per liturgical year.
For safety and insurance purposes, do not place votive candles of any kind on the various altars. A faulty candle container may result in a fire, or at the very least, damage to surfaces and linens. Thank you for your consideration.
Please note that all information to be posted to any of the bulletin boards in our churches must first be submitted to the Parish Administravie Office for review. Postings that have not been placed through the office will be removed. In addition, nothing is to be adhesive taped to church walls. Thank you for your cooperation.
While at any of our churches, don't forget to browse the pamphlet rack. It is hoped you will find helpful and engaging materials. Is there a subject on which you would like information or do you have something you would like to see added? If you do, please contact the Parish Administravie Office at 724.775.6363 ext. 101 to discuss the request. (Please note that all printed materials must first be presented to the Parish Administravie Office. Any materials not cleared through the Parish Administravie Office will be removed.)
Please note that any weather-related cancellation of a Faith Formation Class / CCD session as well as meetings and/or services will be broadcast on KDKA, WTAE, and WPXI.
Pre-Cana is for engaged couples planning to receive the Sacrament of Holy Matrimony within the Catholic Church. For further information and session schedules, go to the 'Sacraments Portal' subpage titled 'Matrimony' by CLICKING HERE.
Periodically, a Baptism Preparation Class is offered. Please see the bulletin for announcements pertaining to the class. Registration will be necessary and completion of the class is required before the baptism can be scheduled. For further information and to register for a Baptism Preparation Class, go to the 'Baptism' page by CLICKING HERE.
Lead members of all organizations, associations, and apostolates under the Parish of Mary, Queen of Saints are asked to provide/maintain current information on their individual groups. If you are such a group leader, please download the information/update form by CLICKING HERE. Fully complete it; and then, submit the form to any of our parish offices or conveniently place it in the offering basket at Mass. Providing the information not only assists the parish in updating records, it also helps those who visit our website to understand what Mary, Queen of Saints Parish has to offer as well as create a more welcoming community of faith.
For glimpses into the parish's ongoing history — occasions, recent and past; moments, enriching and notable — visit our Parish History page as well as the pages dedicated to the histories of our church locations.
For news and events related to our parish, its churches, and the surrounding area as well as information on other items of interest, pick up a copy of the current weekly bulletin found at each church entrance to take home. You can also visit the Parish Bulletin page for information on how to view the weekly edition of our parish bulletin online or have it conveniently delivered to your email inbox each week.
Requesting a Mass Intention?
To schedule a Mass intention, please go to the Mass & Lamp Intention Request page. Mass intentions are limited to two scheduled Masses per registered envelope per liturgical year.
For a listing of and contact information for parish clergy, staff and leads, visit the Parish Directory page.