Since 1991, thanks to a dedicated team of volunteers,
the Daily Mass from St. Paul Cathedral has been cablecast
to the homebound . The Mass livestreams at 8:00AM, Monday thru Saturday; 10:00AM on Sunday.
About a half an hour after Mass ends,
the recording is available online throughout the day.
Daily Mass can be viewed online
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The Mass from St. Mary of the Mount
streams live at 12Noon
seven days a week.
About a half an hour after Mass ends,
the recording is available online throughout the day.
Daily Mass can be viewed online
via the Christian Associates TV webiste at:
Readings and Responsorial Psalm
To access the readings and responsorial psalm for this Mass, CLICK HERE.
(source: USCCB website)
My Jesus, I believe that You are present in the Most Holy Sacrament.
I love You above all things, and I desire to receive You into my soul.
Since I cannot at this moment receive You sacramentally,
come at least spiritually into my heart.
I embrace You as if You were already there and unite myself wholly to You.
Never permit me to be separated from You. Amen.
(attr. to St. Alphonsus Ligouri)
(Latin hymn lyrics)
O sanctissima, o piissima dulcis Virgo Maria!
Mater amata, intemerata, ora, ora pro nobis.
Tu solatium et refugium, Virgo Mater Maria.
Quidquid optamus, per te speramus, ora, ora pro nobis.
Ecce debiles, perquam flebiles, salva nos, O Maria!
Tolle languores, sana dolores, ora, ora pro nobis.
Virgo, respice, Mater, aspice, audi nos, O Maria!
Tu medicinam portas divinam, ora, ora pro nobis.
(English translation)
O most holy, O most loving,sweet Virgin Mary.
Beloved Mother, undefiled, pray, pray for us.
You are solace and refuge, Virgin, Mother Mary.
Whatever we wish, we hope it through you. Pray, pray for us.
Look, We are weak and deeply deplorable, save us, O Mary!
Take away our lassitude, heal our pains, pray, pray for us.
Virgin, look at us, Mother, care for us, hear us, O Mary!
You bring divine medicine. Pray, pray for us.
— traditional Marian hymn in Latin circa 17th century
Pope Francis explained the meaning of the Immaculate Conception during his address before praying the weekly Angelus in St. Peter's Square, on December 8, 2013.
Did you know that Mary actually did know her child would save the world? In fact, she was saved around forty-seven years before Jesus died. Fr. Mike Schmitz simplifies the complex theology behind the Immaculate Conception in this video. Using a clever analogy or two, he demonstrates how Scripture alludes to the fact that Mary was immaculately conceived, and he explains why this solemnity is so important to the Church.
Hail, Mary, only sinless child
Of guilty Adam’s fallen race;
Conceiv’d all pure and undefil’d,
Through thy dear Lord’s preventing grace.
He would not have the blight of sin
A moment rest thy soul upon;
For pure without, and pure within,
Must be the Mother of His Son.
No haughty fiend might boast that he
One moment held thee in his snare,
Who of the dread Divinity
Wert destin’d for the Temple fair.
So thou wert sinless in thy birth,
And sinless after as before;
The only creature of this earth
Whom sin ne’er cast its shadow o’er.
O sweetest lily! all untorn,
Though nurs’d the thorns of earth among,
To thee we sigh, to thee we mourn,
To thee we lift our suppliant song.
From Satan’s snare preserve us free,
And keep us safe from earthly stain,
That in this world we pure may be,
And in the next may see thee reign.
— Cecilia Mary Caddell (1814-1877)