As we continue our journey as Mary, Queen of Saints Parish with our four churches and parishioners going to any one of the four due to Mass times offered and one’s personal schedule on any given day, we often see new faces and meet new people. At times, we find ourselves wondering, “Who is that parishioner?” or thinking “I know them, but can’t put a name to their faces.” Then perhaps you, like so many people, are just bad at remembering names! To help all of us become more familiar with each other, we are pleased to announce our parish will contract with Unique Church Solutions to compile a Parish Pictorial Directory for Mary, Queen of Saints.
If you have not taken part in a parish directory previously, here is how it works: every family of the parish who signs up receives a FREE 8 x 10 portrait and a directory. There is no further obligation! Pictures will be taken at each of the church sites for 4 consecutive weeks beginning the week of April 15, 2023 through May 13, 2023. More details on locations and dates will be coming.
Of course, in order for this to be successful, your help is needed! Volunteers are needed to begin this campaign. We are looking for individuals from each of our four churches to come to a meeting on February 21, 2023 at 10:30AM at our St Titus Church location. If you would like to help make this project a success, please call Dave at the Parish Business Office by calling 724.378.8561.