After several interviews and with the unanimous decision by our youth sub-committee from the Grouping Advisory Council,... (to continue, click heading)
This ‘Walk’ is a virtual journey that exercises the body by walking, the spirit by praying, and the mind by learning about different cultures. It’s 5,974 miles from Beaver County to Jerusalem… Our walk began on Ash Wednesday, February 17, 2021. To learn how to participate, click on heading.
We will continue in-person classes with this Sunday, January 31, 2021. Special note to Home School Parents. For the latest CCD updates, click on the heading.
In the gospel we read that because Jesus spoke with authority, His reputation spread throughout the surrounding region of Galilee. As His disciples, we can also speak with authority... (to continue, click on heading)
For those struggling with the loss of a loved one, we will walk beside you through this grief journey. As brothers and sisters in Christ, we are called to support each other in our happiest of days and darkest of hours. This is a non-denominational group. Meetings begin on February 12, 2021. (for details, click on heading)
I would like to provide you an update on the next important step in our parish merger process. The process of bringing our parishes together is already going smoothly because of the deep faith and strong sense of community... (to continue, click heading)
Due to changes in in-person attendance at Sunday Masses, our grouping will soon have another Mass added to the weekend Mass schedule. (for details, click on heading)
We have seen an increased number of people returning to in-person Mass attendance at St. Frances Cabrini. We’ve been paying attention to this... (to continue, click heading)
Every Friday at St. John the Baptist Church, the Blessed Sacrament will be exposed from 1:00PM to 2:00PM. A weekly sign-up sheet can be found in the church; two people for each 30-minute time slot are needed. (for further information, click the heading)
In order to provide the members of St. John the Baptist Parish as well as interested donors an option for online giving, all are invited to utilize the St. John the Baptist contribution portal located on our MACH1 grouping website. (for details, click on the heading)
In the gospel, Jesus says: “Come after Me, and I will make you fishers of men.” As disciples, we are called to continue God’s work on earth. (to continue reading, click on heading)
In compliance with Diocesan policy, we will be sending contribution statements to every parish family of St. John the Baptist. The IRS requires all tax-related statements be delivered to your home by January 31st. We anticipate to have the statements mailed out the week of 1/24/21.
The hanging sanctuary lamp found above the entrance of the Blessed Sacrament Chapel as well as the tabernacle lamp standing next to the chapel's altar, burn in testament of the Real Presence of Christ in the Eucharistic. For those interested in having a candle placed for a special intention in either location, please click on the heading for information.
We believe that every child is a precious gift of God. It is truly wonderful that you wish to share your faith with your child, for Jesus Himself said: “Let the children come to me.” As you begin the task of bringing up your child in the Catholic Church, first-time parents who wish to present their child for Baptism are required to take a one-time Baptism Preparation Class. (for details, click on heading)
In the gospel Jesus asks, “What are you looking for?” Often we are looking for happiness in very selfish ways; but what we find is... (to continue reading, click heading)
Join in on Friday, January 29, 2021, for a special day of prayer and penance in reparation for the sin of abortion and prayers... (to continue, click on heading)
Father Canice and Brother Cassian will be conducting a number of adult faith formation talks. These upcoming conferences will take place on a monthly basis... (to continue, click on heading)
Following CDC guidelines and the directives of our Diocese, the school district and Father Jean-Luc, our K-8 Faith Formation Program will resume in-person classes on Sunday, January 24, 2021 from 9:00AM until 10:15AM. (for details, click on heading)
Due to the funeral Mass for Fr. Regis, the Sacrament of Reconciliation will not be offered on Saturday, January 9, 2012 at St. Frances Cabriini Church. If you wish to go to confession, please look at the confession schedule for the day and choose one of the other worship sites in our parish grouping where it will be available.