As we enter into this season of grace, we are invited to accompany our Lord in His fast of forty days and forty nights. Our Lord entered into the desert and overcame the temptations of the devil,... (to continue, click heading)
The next Young Adult Group event will be a viewing and discussion on "The Chosen", an online episodic series. The event will be held on Saturday, March 13, 2021 at 5:30PM...(for details, click heading)
Please consider online giving. To begin, just click on the 'Online Giving Grouping Portal' icon found at the top of our MACH1 homepage. Please know that your continued support is appreciated at this time.
Lent is not a call to just 'give up something',...but rather to 'give something to the poor'. Wherever you live in the parish, know that there are... (to continue reading, click heading)
We will continue in-person classes with this Sunday, February 21, 2021 at 9:00AM until 10:15AM. Please use the side doors when entering Msgr. Farri Hall. Please note that at class dismissal, students will exit the Pastoral Center via the front doors (those facing 15th street).
All registered families of St. John the Baptist should have received in the mail information concerning the 2021 Parish Share Program (PSP). (to continue reading, click on heading)
In the gospel Jesus moved with pity touched the leper and healed him. Let us pray today for the grace to be generous with our gifts to help those who are suffering. (to continue, click heading)
As we recognize the week that celebrate Catholic education, a special thank you to Marilyn Chesko, Tonya McKenna, Deanna Stacho, Diana Wise, Shirley Martin, our catechists and our school teachers for the outstanding work they do to form our children as disciples of Jesus!
Our parish grouping’s Advisory Council and I are excited to come together and give you an update on the 'On Mission' process of unifying our parish and the work the team is doing to chart a new course for our faith community. (to continue, click heading)
If you need help or are referring others for assistance, please call the St. Vincent de Paul (SVdP) Help Line at 724.252.4631. This number is... (to continue reading, click on the heading).
In the gospel today, we find that Jesus would rise very early before dawn and go to a deserted place to pray, and then He went out to preach and to heal. (to continue reading, click on heading)
Thank you to everyone who was able to contribute to our parish grouping’s recent coat drive. Despite the COVID-19 setbacks of the past year,...(to continue reading, click on the heading)