I would like to encourage our entire parish family to join us for the upcoming First Saturday Devotions. When the Blessed Virgin appeared at Fatima she asked her children to make the Five First Saturdays in reparation to her Immaculate Heart for the five particular blasphemies:... (to continue, click heading)
In honor of the Immaculate Heart of Mary, and in response to the Holy Mother and her Son’s request, from June thru October 2021 our community of faith will hold the First Saturdays Devotion. (for details, click on heading)
As we celebrate the mystery of the Trinity, we also realize the mystery of how much God loves and cares for us each day. Believing in this,... (to continue, click heading)
Our Annual Memorial Day Mass will be celebrated on Monday, May 31, 2021 at 9:00AM at Mt. Olivet Cemetery AND at 9:00AM at St. John the Baptist Cemetery. (for details, click heading)
St. John the Baptist Pastoral Center will be closed on Monday, May 31, 2021 in observance of Memorial Day. God bless our troops! The offices will open at 9:00AM on Tuesday, June 1, 2021.
Please remember in your prayers our 8th grader students who will receive the Sacrament of Confirmation on Tuesday, June 15, 2021. May the Holy Spirit bless them on this day and always.
SAVE THE DATE! We will be playing cards, bingo, and socializing on Wednesday, June 2, 2021 at 12noon. We look forward to seeing you again. If you have any questions, please call Dee at 724.777.5881.
Normally, a missionary comes to visit our parish and speak during homily time at Mass. Because of COVID-19 restrictions this year, there will be no in-person talk. The mission group of the Sisters of St Francis of Tiffin, OH serve the poor,... (to continue reading, click heading)
As we celebrate Pentecost the Holy Spirit wants to make us advocates of God’s presence to bring new life to others,...(to continue reading, click heading)
Queenship of the Blessed Virgin Mary Masses are held on weekdays at 7 PM and Sunday at noon. Holy Rosary & Confessions 30 minutes prior to Mass. For all the up to date information on Latin Masses, go to: KnightsOfColumbusLatinMass.blogspot.com. The next Traditional Latin Mass is scheduled at St. Titus on Sunday, June 20th - Fourth Sunday after Pentecost.
Effective Memorial Day, May 31, 2021, and until further notice, all churches in our diocese may be open at 100% seating capacity. Summer festivals and other non-liturgical events are permitted. Masks still required. (for further information, click on heading)
On weekend of May 22/23, 2021 he Church celebrates Pentecost Sunday, which marks the birth of the Church and the descent of the Holy Spirit. In honor of this great feast, all are encouraged to wear something RED to Mass on that weekend.
Have an evening of games and fun along with good food, cash bar, and a live DJ on Friday, June 18, 2021 from 6:30PM to 11:00PM. For further information, click on the heading.
Please remember in your prayers our parish's 2nd graders who will receive their First Holy Communion on Sunday, May 16, 2021. May God bless them on this day and always.
We celebrated the feast of the Ascension last Thursday. We are reminded that Christ’s saving work on earth continues through His disciples...and now through us. (to continue reading, click heading)
Please pray for our Confrère and friend Brother Cassian as he was ordained to the Priesthood on: May 22nd. Bishop Kulick, Bishop of the Diocese of Greensburg, ordained in our Archabbey Basilica. Father Cassian returned to our parish to offer a Mass of Thanksgiving in each of our churches with an opportunity to greet parishioners and impart First Blessings at a reception followed in each parish hall. The next Mass of Thanksgiving will be Sunday, June 20 at St. John the Baptist 11:30 a.m. Mass followed by a reception in Msgr. Farri Hall
Please pray for our Confrère and friend Brother Cassian as he prepares for his Ordination to the Priesthood on Saturday, May 22nd. Bishop Kulick, Bishop of the Diocese of Greensburg,... (to continue, click heading)