The Blessed Virgin Mary, under the title of Our Lady of Sorrows, is someone who can identify with the life situations that we as women experience on a daily basis. As Patroness of the Confraternity of Christian Mothers, she is a beautiful example of a loving mother and faith-filled companion to whom we can turn in all our needs. How blessed we are to have her as our inspiration! Please come and join us for a time of prayer and fellowship...(for details, click heading)
Good News!!! We finally have a firm opening date which is Wednesday, September 8, 2021 at Kohler Hall. This promises to be a great time for all. It’s been a long time coming. Early Bird games start at 12:40PM. There will be some exciting changes after our break such as “winner take all,” “cover all,” and some specials thrown in, too. As always, light refreshments and cold drinks will be available. Card players are most welcome. Where else can you get all this for a $1 entrance charge? Come and bring your friends. We hope to see you on September 8th!
We are in need of a catechist for our Monday evening session CCD class held at St. Frances Cabrini for grade level 5. No previous experience is necessary. We have an experienced support team. If you are interested in volunteering, please contact Deanna at the Parish Religious Education Office at 724.774.4888 for information.
St. Francis Cabrini Preschool is seeking a full-time teacher for our PA state-licensed preschool program. Candidate must have a teaching degree and be a practicing Catholic. If interested, email [email protected] or call 724.774.4888.
CCD/Faith Formation Classes for K thru 8 will begin the weekend of September 19, 2021. Please submit ALL registration forms to the office via mail, email or the collection basket ASAP as we are processing final documentation for the start of the school year. Registration forms can be found at ...(to continue, click heading).
Is there someone you know in need of prayers? Do you have a special intention for which you would like others to offer a prayer? If so, please go to the 'Prayer Appeal' page on our parish website to submit your request. While there, please consider becoming a part of the 'Parish Prayer Web'. (for details, click heading)
Blessed Feast Day! This weekend we celebrate our patronal feast, the Queenship of the Blessed Virgin Mary, for the first time. May the Blessed Virgin Mary, Queen of Saints, obtain abundant graces for our parish family. (to continue, click heading)
On Monday, August 30, 2021 at 6:30PM in the Church of Saint John the Baptist (1409 Pennsylvania Ave., Monaca) solemn vespers will be conducted for the Memorial of the Passion of Saint John the Baptist. (Normally this memorial is celebrated on 8/29: however, since the date falls on a Sunday this year, it has been transferred to the next day.) All are invited to attend and participate in this special evening of prayer.
As we take our responsibility in assisting you, parents and guardians, in catechizing your children in our Catholic Faith, we are revising the time of the CCD classes. To give all our families the opportunity to attend the 11:30AM Mass on Sunday mornings, the class time has been revised to 10:0AM to 11:15AM. (to continue, click heading)
This past week was my final week here for the summer as I return back to DC for my final year of seminary and I just wanted to take this opportunity and thank you all for a great summer. (to continue, click heading)
A total of $475 was collected after the July 24 & 25 Mass by the Knights of Columbus St. Joseph the Worker Council #5947. This brings our total donated for McGuire Memorial Home/Bishop's Project to $3,341! The K of C thank you for your generosity!
A total of $475 was collected after the July 24 & 25 Mass... Congratulations to the winner of this year's scholarship,... Join us for an evening of fellowship.... collect for the Bishop's Project Monthly Penny Collection, (for details on all, click heading)
Divorced Catholics as well as anyone who is interested in learning about the annulment process are welcome to attend a free workshop... (for details, click heading)
Dear Parishioners, We have been busy preparing for the 2021-22 school year and are looking forward to sharing the many new developments with all of you on the first day of school, Wednesday, August 25, 2021. As you are all aware, COVID-19 is still very much a part of our lives. We will continue to follow guidance from the DOH, the CDC, and the Diocese of Pittsburgh. We are excited to share some of the physical improvements that we have been able to make over our summer break. (to continue, click heading)
We are in need of two catechists for CCD classes held at St. Frances Cabrini for the following evenings and grade levels: Mondays for grade level 5 and Thursdays for grade level 3. No previous experience is necessary. We have an experienced support team. If you are interested in volunteering, please contact Deanna at the Parish Religious Education Office at 724.774.4888 for information.
Registrations for the 2021-22 catechetical year are still being accepted. Forms can be found at entrances to all churches in our grouping as well as on the parish website and Facebook. (Even if your child attended last year, you must register the child for this coming CCD year.) Please submit your family registration immediately as final preparation is in process for the projected start of classes scheduled for the weekend of September 19, 2021.
Join us on Thursday, August 26, 2021 for our 50+ Group’s 30th Annual Indoor Picnic. A picnic buffet will be served at 12noon in O’Connell Hall! Reservations are necessary. Please call Judy at 724.774.1204 or Anna Mae at 724.375.6380 for information and reservations. Anyone over 50 is welcome.
We will be playing cards and bingo as well as socializing on Wednesday, September 1, 2021 from 12noon to 2:30PM. Light lunch, drinks and snacks. We look forward to seeing you in Msgr. Farri Hall at St. John the Baptist Pastoral Center. Donation of $1 requested. Bingo set at 4 cards for 25 cents; card and game players set at 50 cents. If you have any questions, please call Dee at 724.777.5881.
On Wednesday, September 8, 2021, we will begin weekly bingo at Kohler Hall on the grounds of OLF. We look forward to seeing everyone. Come and bring your friends and anything that goes along with having a fun time. We promise to provide the smiles. Watch the bulletin for more details.