I would like to express my deep appreciation and gratitude to you once again. Your prayers and support are a tremendous gift and I feel them deeply. (to continue, click heading)
As Father Jean-Luc concludes his service to our parish, Father Joachim and I would like to echo the thoughts and sentiments that we have heard from so many of you, and express our great appreciation for all of the ways that Father Jean-Luc has led our parish as a true shepherd. (to continue, click heading)
All registered parishioners of Mary, Queen of Saints are invited to participate in using our parish's custom Flocknote app. Our parish is adopting this additional method of communicating to make it easier to get needed information to parish members. (for details, click heading)
On Sunday morning at the St. Frances Cabrini location, our class session start/end time will change to 9:35AM to 10:50AM. Please note that there will be no CCD the weekend of November 27/28, 2022,... (for more, click heading)
All parishioners are invited on Sunday, November 20, 2022, to witness the Rite of Acceptance for this year’s RCIA candidates which will be held during the 9:30AM Mass at Our Lady of Fatima Church. Please welcome and pray for our RCIA candidates as they make their journey into becoming full members of the Church.
Come join the 50 + Friends group for have an enjoyable afternoon of card playing and bingo as well as socializing on Wednesday, December 7, 2022 from 12noon to 2:30PM. Take part in the fun in Msgr. Farri Hall at St. John the Baptist Pastoral Center.
Help make a child’s Christmas special! Take a tag and bring back your UNWRAPPED gift with the tag attached. Place your gift under the tree by Sunday, December 4th. For any questions, call Katie Miller at 412.671.2511.
The 50+ Christmas Luncheon will be held on Thursday, December 8, 2022 at St. Frances Cabrini’s O’Connell Hall. There will be a catered buffet at 12noon. Delicious food, bingo, cards, silent auction, 50/50, door prizes, fellowship. Open to anyone over “50”. Reservations due by December 1st. For more information call: Nancy at 724.378.9591 or Dorothy at 724.375.4130.
All parish offices will be closed on Thursday, November 24th and Friday, November 25th in observation of the Thanksgiving holiday extended weekend. The offices will reopen on Monday, November 28, 2022 at our regular time. Have a happy Thanksgiving filled with gratitude and love.
In gratitude for many blessings God has bestowed upon the Parish of Mary, Queen of Saints, Thanksgiving Day Mass will be offered in the Church of St. Frances Cabrini at 9:00AM on Thursday, November 24, 2022.
MQSP Christian Mother will sponsor a Cookie Walk on Sunday, December 4, 2022 in Fr. O’Connell Hall as located on the grounds of St. Frances Cabrini Church. The event will open at 11:00AM and run until the supply of cookies run out! To any interested parishioner: volunteer bakers are needed. (for information, click heading)
The MQSP Christian Mothers thank you so much for making the Diaper Drive an overwhelming success. We not only distributed diapers to our parishioners but we had enough to give to our neighbors and several charity organizations.
On the weekend of November 19/20, 2022 the MQSP Christian Mothers will host a Thanksgiving Pie Sale Fundraiser after all Masses at all MQSP church locations. Note that bakers are also needed. (for details, click heading)
Due to the recent new priest assignments, changes are needed regarding the Sunday and weekday Mass schedules and Confession times. With only two priests serving our parish, the schedule must be adjusted to allot for travel time between the four churches. The following schedule begins on Monday, November 21, 2022:... (for details, click heading)
If generosity fills your heart, but your wallet is a bit empty, gift cards are a great way to help out without draining your cash reserves. Just buy gift cards from the parish or school and use the gift cards to buy your regular items, gifts, pay bills,... even give them as gifts this Christmas Season. (for details, click heading)
On Sunday, November 20, 2022, at the conclusion of the 11:30AM Mass at Saint John the Baptist Church, there will be a procession in honor of the Solemnity of Christ, King of the Universe. (for details, click heading)
On Saturday, December 3, 2022, the Christian Mothers will hold a Christmas Breakfast Event at 10:00AM in Fr. Kohler Hall. For those wishing to attend, please complete the reservation form... (for details, click heading)
Save the date for a fun time at Merchandise Bingo Night! This fundraiser will be held at 7:00PM on Monday, November 21, 2022 at Fr. O’Connell Hall (SFC). Cost is $7 per person; includes bingo, food, and prizes! Specials will also be available.
We are in need of a 3rd grade catechist and a high school student interested in volunteering at our St. John the Baptist CCD Faith Formation site. No previous experience necessary! We have an awesome support team! For more information, call Deanna 724.774.4888.