Mary, Queen of Saints Parish Annual Men’s Retreat at St. Paul of the Cross Retreat Center, Pittsburgh, PA will take place on Feb. 16-18, 2024. Please prayerfully consider participating. (to continue, click heading)
Our coat drive was very successful! We collected over 800 coats; at this point in time, over 650 have been distributed. We were able to assist Adoption Connection, refugees, women's and men's shelters, agencies that help individuals find employment, and Catholic Charities. Thank you to all who contributed. A very heartfelt thanks to those who collected, sorted and distributed the clothing. God bless you.
Experience a fun time at Merchandise Bingo Night! This fundraiser will be held at 7:00PM on Monday, January 15, 2024 in Fr. O’Connell Hall, located on the grounds of St. Frances Cabrini Church. Cost is $7 per person; includes bingo, food, and prizes! Specials will also be available.
The weekend of December 30/31, 2023, the Knights of Columbus will collect after Mass at Our Lady of Fatima Church. Your kind generosity benefits the special people at McGuire Memorial Home and St. Anthony School! Thank you in advance!
On January 8, 2024, Kevin Johnson will take over the position of Director of Music Ministry for Mary, Queen of Saints Parish. (to continue, click heading)
Tradition tells us that St. John, the beloved apostle, was once served poisoned wine,...but survived because before drinking it, he blessed it. In honor of what is the Feast Day of St. John the Apostle and Evangelist, a blessing ceremony will take place on Wednesday, December 27, 2023... (to continue, click heading)
Eucharistic Adoration, Mass and a light reception will be held on Sunday, December 31, 2023 at our parish's St. John the Baptist Church (Monaca) location. The schedule for the New Year's Eve,... (for details, click heading)
Hey Nifty Fifties participants! What a holiday party?! Good food, good times, good fellowship -- it doesn’t get much better. The only downside brought our weekly sessions to an end...TEMPORARILY. (to continue, click heading)
The book 'Beautiful Eucharist' by Matthew Kelly (published by Dynamic Catholic) will be available for free after all Christmas Masses at our Mary, Queen of Saints Parish church locations. (for details, click heading)
To allow our staff time to spend with their families, our MQSP Administrative Office will close for the holiday season at 12noon on Friday, December 22, 2023 and will re-open on Tuesday, January 2, 2024 at 9:00AM. May the miracle of the birth of Jesus fill your heart with abundant joy and love this Christmas!
The weekend of December 17/18, 2023 concludes the first half of the catechetical year. Classes will resume the weekend of January 7/8, 2024. The MQSP Faith Formation Office wishes our CCD families and all Mary, Queen of Saints parishioners a blessed and joyous Christmas.
On behalf of Archabbot Martin and the whole monastic community at St. Vincent Archabbey, Fr. Joachim, Fr. Celestine and I would like to thank you for your overwhelming generosity and support. (to continue, click heading)
Experience a fun time at Merchandise Bingo Night! This fundraiser will be held at 7:00PM on Monday, December 18, 2023 in Fr. O’Connell Hall, located on the grounds of St. Frances Cabrini Church. Cost is $7 per person; includes bingo, food, and prizes! Specials will also be available.
As many of you noticed on the 2024 Parish Calendars, Fr. Joachim was inadvertently left off. There was some miscommunication... (to continue, click heading)
Our Parish Pictorial Directories are in and ready for pick-up. If you had your picture taken this past Spring, please come to the Parish Administrative Office,... (for details, click heading)
On Friday, January 5, 2024 at 5:30PM all Mary, Queen of Saints Parish adult volunteer workers are cordially invited to a special appreciation gathering to be held in Fr. O’Connell Hall, located on the grounds of St. Frances Cabrini Church. Please RSVP by... (for details, click heading)
Oplatki, a traditional Christmas wafer shared at Christmas Eve or Christmas Day dinners, will be available at each of the four churches of our parish. The donation is $3.00 per packet of 4 wafers (3 white and 1 pink).
Our 2024 Parish Calendars have arrived and are available at the entrances of each church in our parish. We thank the following businesses for their generosity in sponsoring our calendar this year:... (to continue, click heading)
For Christians, Advent is not meant to be a time of passive waiting, but rather of hopeful preparation for the coming of the Lord. The parish is offering "Advent Gospel Reflections" and t"The Word Among Us" booklets. (for details, click heading)
MQSP Christian Mother will sponsor a Cookie Walk on Sunday, December 10, 2023 in Fr. O’Connell Hall as located on the grounds of St. Frances Cabrini Church. The event will open at 12noon and run until the supply of cookies run out! Choose from a wide variety of homemade Christmas cookies. $20 per box; specialty cookies are $25/box.