The library located in Fatima House, as found on the grounds of Our Lady of Fatima Church, contains a collection of Christian books and media materials. Opened in March 2023, the library has been blessed with a generous collection of books donated by parishioners and parish visitors. (to continue, click heading)
On Wednesday, September 13, 2023 from 12Noon to 6:00PM at St. Titus Church a Homemade Spaghetti/Gnocchi Dinner will be held. (for ordering details, click heading)
A welcome picnic and member meeting of Mary, Queen of Saints Christian Mothers to be held in Fr. O’Connell Hall at St. Frances Cabrini Church on September 19, 2023 at 6:00PM. Each member is to bring a side dish or dessert for sharing. please register at... (for details, click heading)
Join with young adults (ages 21 to 40…ish) for fellowship at an end-of-summer bonfire to be held at the MQSP Youth Center, as located on the grounds of St. Frances Cabrini Church, on September 2, 2023, starting at 6:00PM. (to continue, click heading)
At 10:00AM on Wednesdays in the Pastoral Center at our St. John the Baptist Church location a weekly bible study class is held. The study group will view Jeff Cavins’ DVD, “The Bible Timeline”. This current study... (for details, click heading)
Installation of a new phone system in the Parish Administrative Offices is nearly completed. On Thursday, August 31, 2023, the offices will be closed so that the parish staff can be trained on the new system. (for details, click heading)
Donated items and gift baskets are needed for upcoming Adult Faith Formation events. Such donations can be dropped off at the Parish Administrative Office... (to continue, click heading)
We are still in need of Sunday catechist for 3rd grade at our St. John the Baptist CCD Faith Formation site as well as substitutes for both sites. (to continue, click heading)
We have been informed by the National Council of the Society of St. Vincent De Paul that their Ukrainian relief drive has come to a close. (to continue, click heading)
Registration for the 2023-24 Catechetical Year remains open with forms available for download on the parish website; from the Faith Formation Office, or in the vestibules of the four churches.
The St. John the Baptist 50+ Friends will resume meeting on Wednesday, September 6, 2023 from 12noon to 2:00PM. Join us in Monsignor Farri Hall, 1501 Virginia Avenue, Monaca for a light lunch, dessert, and beverages, followed by games of bingo or cards. (for details, click heading)
Vacations are over; the kids are back in school; and our bingo sessions will resume on Wednesday, September 6, 2023! We are looking forward to greeting you again. Many things are happening, and we don’t want you to miss a thing!!! Who knows what kind of surprises await you on September 6th? (to continue, click heading)
The weekend of August 26 & 27, 2023, the Knights of Columbus will be collecting after Mass at Our Lady of Fatima Church. The special people at McGuire Memorial Home & St. Anthony School will benefit from your kind generosity! Thank you in advance!
We will begin our new season on September 7, 2023 at 6:30PM at Sacred Heart Hall (located on the grounds of St. Frances Cabrini Church). This year we will be viewing Season 2 of The Chosen and discussing the series in light of our Catholic faith. Women of Faith (WoF) is a Catholic women’s study, fellowship and prayer group. (to continue, click heading)
On Tuesday, August 29, 2023 at 6:30PM in the Church of Saint John the Baptist (1409 Pennsylvania Ave., Monaca) solemn vespers will be conducted for the Memorial of the Passion of Saint John the Baptist. All are invited to attend and participate in this special evening of prayer.
Registration for the 2023-24 Catechetical Year remains open with forms available for download on the parish website; from the Faith Formation Office, or in the vestibules of the four churches. On Sunday, August 20, 2023, between the Mass offered at St, Titus Church,
The SFC 50+ Group will hold its 32nd Annual Picnic on Thursday, August 24, 2023, in O’Connell Hall. The catered picnic buffet will be served at 12noon. Members and guests are invited. Reservations are a must!!! Cost is $11. Enjoy an afternoon of delicious food, bingo, cards and meet some new friends. Call Nancy 724.378.9591 or Mary 724.378.7288 for more information.
Each August 15th the Church celebrates the Solemnity of the Assumption of the Blessed Virgin Mary. The dogma of the Assumption teaches that at the end of her life, Mary, the mother of Christ, was taken both body and soul into heaven. Our parish Mass schedule for the Solemnity is as follows:... (to continue, click heading)
The planning stage has begun for a middle schoolers (grades 6th thru 8th) youth group that will hopefully start in late September 2023. However, adult volunteers are needed on our Core Team to make this happen! If you are interested in participating in this effort, please contact Rachael Kriger, MQSP Youth Minister, at [email protected].
As the Capuchin Province of St. Augustine celebrates 150 years as a Province in the U.S., a local celebration of this Anniversary has been planned in Beaver County for Sunday, August 20, 2023. The celebration will consist of a 10:30AM Mass at St. Cecilia Church (628 Virginia Ave., Rochester, Pa 15074) followed by a social in the church hall. (to continue, click heading)