With the departure of Fr. Joachim to his new assignment, St. Vincent Archabbey has announced that beginning on the August 10, 2024, Fr. Romuald Duchene, OSB, will assist at our parish providing Mass coverage on weekends. (to continue, click heading)
The Mary, Queen of Saints Parish Children's Group is collecting items for the Beaver County Humane Society. In addition, the group will hold an event at the Humane Society on Monday, August 19, 2024 at 2:30PM. (for more info, click heading)
Included in today's bulletin is the Financial Report for the period ending June 30, 2024, which is compiled and prepared by the Diocese of Pittsburgh Financial Services Office. The information in the report is ... (click heading to continue)
If you are waiting for a sign from God to tell you how to use your time to make a difference in our young students,... this is it! Become a Faith Formation volunteer for the children of our parish! (for details, click heading)
As a parish, we are committed to ensuring a safe environment for all parishioners, especially our children, youth, and vulnerable adults. As such, all parish employees and volunteers must obtain a PA Child Abuse History Clearance and FBI Clearance every five years. (to continue, click heading)
The sale of physical card gift cards are being halted until school resumes. However, the online gift card program and special order gift cards are still available. (for details, click heading)
The 33rd Annual Picnic of the SFC 50+ Group will be held on Thursday, August 22, 2024. A catered buffet will be served at noon in Fr. O’Connell Hall. Everyone over 50 is invited. Bingo and card games will be available. This is a great way to meet some very nice people. New faces are always welcome. Reservations are necessary! (for details, click heading)
The Knights will be collecting the weekend of July 27/28, 2024 at Our Lady of Fatima Church. Your support of the special people at McGuire Memorial Home & St. Anthony School is appreciated by many.
For those struggling with the loss of a loved one, we feel your pain! As brothers and sisters in Christ, we will walk with you through your journey of grief. (for details, click heading)
At the request of Bishop Zubik, the Parish of Mary, Queen of Saints is blessed to host an interfaith project, Amen to Action. Our goal will be to package 75,000 meals that will be distributed throughout Beaver County by the Greater Pittsburgh Community Food Bank (GPCFB). (to continue, click heading)
With a heavy heart I am announcing that I will be leaving Mary, Queen of Saints Parish at the end of the month and will be starting a new assignment as the Assistant Campus Minister at Penn State University. (to continue, click heading)
Fr. Joachim Morgan O.S.B., Parochial Vicar, has received a new assignment beginning on August 1, 2024 at Penn State University. Our parish community will host a farewell party...
A recent delivery of the print version of our parish weekly bulletin was delayed. The delay was due to an unforeseen courier issue and our bulletin publisher. We appreciate your patience and understanding as we work to prevent such occurrences in the future. To help meet the copy submission schedule and ensure that our bulletin is delivered to the churches of our parish on time,... (to continue, click heading)
A special thank you to all the awesome adult and student volunteers who gave our 110 young divers an experience of a lifetime using their imagination, and diving into the deep blue ocean to discover God's treasured word. God bless and thank you very much!