1409 Pennsylvania Avenue
Monaca, PA 15061
(There are two adjacent church parking lots located across the street at the corner of 15th Street and Virginia Avenue.)
The Pastoral Center is next door, just across Pine Alley.
For general information/questions, contact the Mary, Queen of Saints Parish Office.
Parish Office Location
115 Trinity Drive
Aliquippa, PA 15001
Parish Office Hours:
Monday thru Friday: 9:00AM to 1:00PM; 2:00PM to 5:00PM
Administrative Unit
Phone: 724.775.6363 ext. 101
Fax: 724.775.3848
eMail: [email protected]
Business Unit
Phone: 724.775.6363 ext. 104
Fax: 724.775.3848
eMail: [email protected]
Please note that the Offices of the Parish
are closed on holy days and holidays.
Watch the bulletin for such announcements.
St. Vincent de Paul Help Line: 724.252.4631
Address Parish Office mail correspondence to:
Mary, Queen of Saints Parish
115 Trinity Drive
Aliquippa, PA 15001
Attn.: Administrative Unit
Address mailed contributions to (checks and money orders only):
Mary, Queen of Saints Parish
115 Trinity Drive
Aliquippa, PA 15001
Attn.: Business Unit
For additional contact information,
go to the Parish Directory page.
1501 Virginia Avenue
Monaca, PA 15061
For information on renting Monsignor Farri Hall, the gynasium or duck pin lanes as well as office/classroom/meeting space in our Pastoral Center, visit the Pastoral Center page.
For a listing of office staff and contact infrormation, visit the Parish Directory page.
Phone - 724.775.6363 ext. 110
For details on our parish's Faith Formation Programs, visit the Formation page.
St. Vincent de Paul Help Line - Call 724.252.4631 Please leave a voicemail message that includes your name, location, phone/contact number, and the brief details of your needs/circumstance.
SJB SVdP Donations - Go to our parish Donate Online page and from the drop menu select 'S. Vinc. de Paul Society-SJB' to make a donation via e-check or credit card. Make a paper check donation payable to: St. Vincent de Paul Society-SJB and mail it to the Pastoral Center Office or place it in the offering basket. (Please do not mail cash.)
If you know of a family member or a neighbor who is in a local nursing home or hospital and would like a church visit, the Sacrament of Reconciliation, receive Holy Communion or the Anointing of the Sick, please call the Parish Administrative Office at 724.775.6363 ext. 101 to let a clergy/staff member know. Due to the HIPPA Laws, churches are almost never notified by the healthcare facility.
PLEASE NOTE: The quickest and most efficient way to ensure that your hospitalized loved ones are anointed in the case of an emergency is to ask the nurse to page the CATHOLIC CHAPLAIN ON CALL. There is a priest on duty 24/7 for Heritage Valley Beaver. (Our priests cover Thursdays and Fridays.) Calls to the Parish Administrative Office or notes left in a church sacristy may not be responded to in a timely fashion due to unavailability or oversight. Calls to the Catholic chaplain answering service receive IMMEDIATE RESPONSE. Also, please ensure your family member is listed in the hospital records as Catholic. If the person is not, there is no way of knowing the patient's religious affiliation, and the person is not seen when any one of our parish priests visits the hospital, or when any priest is visiting. Thank you in advance for seeing to the sacramental needs of the hospitalized.
Our parish provides Holy Communion to parishioners who are homebound or unable to attend Mass. For more information or to schedule a visit, please call the Parish Administrative Office at 724.775.6363 ext.103 or CLICK HERE to download a request form that you can complete and mail to the address provided or place/have it placed it in the collection basket.
Need a place to hold a bridal or baby shower, birthday or graduation party, baptismal or funeral luncheon, a reception or reunion? The parish social center, Monsignor Farri Hall, is available to rent.
For current rental rates (plus additional refundable deposit amount) and further details, please contact the Parish Administrative Office at 724.775.6363 ext. 104.
The large votives, found in the multi-candle stands located in various places throughout St. John the Baptist Church, are replenished daily. (Container candles are no longer stocked in the sacristy.) Wooden tapers for lighting these tall votive candles can be found at each stand. The requested donation per candle is $5.00 (to partially cover parish cost). Please place your candle offering in the secure box found near the candle stand.
For those interested in having an engraved brick placed in acknowledgement or remembrance of a loved one on our church grounds, Memorial Brick Request Forms are available at all entrances of the church as well as via download by clicking here. The price per brick is $25.
To schedule a sanctuary and/or shrine lamp, please go to the Mass & Lamp Intention Request page. Bulletin published lamp intentions are limited to four lamps per registered envelope per liturgical year.
For glimpses into the Church of St. John the Baptist faith community's history — occasions, recent and past; moments, enriching and notable — take a look at the pages titled SJB History and Notes & Insights as well as the Recollections page.
The Latin phrases of “Praeibis Ante Dominum” and “Parare Vias Ejus” in the banner displayed at the bottom of the St. John the Baptist section homepage of our parish website (as well as below) are the words of the archangel Gabriel spoken to Zechariah as found in Luke 1:76. They announce Zechariah's soon-to-be born son, who shall be known as John the Baptist. These inscriptions translated into English mean:
"...For you will go on before the Lord…to prepare His ways,..."
As those who attend the church that bears the name of St. John the Baptist as its patron, we are called to carry on his mission.